One method allows us to combine ppt files by accessing the chosen presentations while the other method can merge ppts by accessing just one file.Ĭonvert Powerpoint files to PDF for free with our PPT to PDF converter. Merging and combining ppt slides can be accomplished through two methods. This article will provide the steps you require to combine PPT files while explaining how to merge two PowerPoints or more.Besides, this ppt to pdf converter can also allow to output other formats like PNG, JPEG, BMP, PCX, TIFF, PS and EPS. PowerPoint to PDF Converter provides an easy way to convert microsoft PowerPoint 2003/2007/2010 (*.ppt/*.pptx) to pdf document.Generate certificates or awards, customize presentations, provide translated material in multiple languages, and create directories, catalogs, spec sheets, and more. Data Merge for PowerPoint: PPTools PPTMerge merges data from Excel, Tab Delimited or CSV files into individual slides or whole presentations.The software provides a simple Merge Files option to combine them. PDF Merge: Open up PDF Merge, and you’ll see a simple window with bars for dragging and dropping several PDF files.Just add image such as JPG, TIF, BMP, PNG, PCX or GIF files to the list, set PDF document page size and metadata, then click the Convert button to start converting. Free Image to PDF Converter is a free and easy-to-use PDF converter software to batch convert image files to PDF document.Ipercent27ve never eaten this food before